
Posts tagged with the keyword: ‘War’

An Unacceptable Apology

An Unacceptable Apology

US and NATO’s apology is only for killing Pakistani soldiers and not for illegally entering Pakistan. The apology is unacceptable until US and NATO concede they have no legal right to violate international borders. Pakistan must continue to block supply lines until US and NATO apologize for illegal incursions in addition to murdering Pakistani soldiers.

Enduring Lessons From Pakistan’s 1965 India War

India is an enemy. United States is an untrustworthy friend. And we better not ditch Iran, China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and those who came to our help then.

Pakistani Soldiers Inside India In 1965

Pakistanis surprised skeptics. The war saw the largest tank battle since WWII and one of the best air-combat performances in the 20th century, with Pakistani fighter jets shaking the Soviet-built Indian air fleet. While Pakistani soldiers crossed deep inside Indian territory, they also suffered more losses as a result. China moved units from its formidable People’s Liberation Army to the border with Pakistan, in a sign that sent shivers across New Delhi.

Demonizing Pakistan

Demonizing Pakistan

Ironically, in an effort to demonise Pakistan and Pakistanis, they have also conveniently forgotten that none of the 9/11 terrorists were Pakistani or had lived in Pakistan. But such sensitive details are lost on a US Administration that effectively is following the Bush policies on Pakistan.

In US: A Second Successful Bomb You Didn’t Hear About

America’s apologists in Pakistan and PR experts working for the US State Department and US Embassy in Islamabad are now inundating Pakistani newspapers with fake letters and planted articles spinning Mrs. Clinton’s disastrous threat of war against Pakistan. Apart from the serious question marks on US intelligence performance in the case of the Times Square terror attempt, it has been clearly established that the US government launched an orchestrated media campaign against Pakistan to exploit the incident for political and strategic gains. Here is the story of another failed car bomb, but this time a real car bomb and not the Mickey-Mouse-clock-and-firecracker version in New York City. This one was parked in front of a Mosque in Florida. Since it involves domestic American extremists and terrorists, you didn’t hear about it in the media. Or did you?

North Waziristan: Beware Killing Pakistanis To Appease A Fickle Ally

North Waziristan: Beware Killing Pakistanis To Appease A Fickle Ally

KARACHI, Pakistan—Unfortunately, pro-US elements in the Pakistani media and government have launched a campaign to push the Pakistani military into a debacle in North Waziristan, where Pakistan will again be fighting its own citizens. The biggest beneficiary will be TTP and other groups that are being supported by Pakistan’s enemies on Afghan soil.

How India Ridicules Pakistan’s Water Concerns

An independent South Africa water expert who worked in New Delhi is surprised to see the Indian media systematically ridicule Pakistani water concerns. He was even more surprised to see the media in Pakistan, a country often derided for having military governments, provide full coverage to Indian views on Pakistan’s water crisis while Indians fail to show a similar magnanimity.