
Archive for ‘December 22nd, 2009’

Kashmiris Call For International Probe After India Rape Cover-Up

Kashmiris Call For International Probe After India Rape Cover-Up
Video: Indian Army Raped Two More Kashmiri Women
The report of the pro-Indian government of Kashmir claimed that the two women – a 17-year-old and her 22-year-old sister-in-law – died by drowning, and not rape and murder at the hands of Indian occupation soldiers. The events of [...]

World Bank: Kashmir Is Not Indian Territory

World Bank refuses to accept Kashmir as Indian Territory
—Says ‘NO’ to release funds to India for project in disputed region
DM Monitoring

NEW DELHI, India—The World Bank has refused to accept Indian Occupied Kashmir as an integral part of India and has rather insisted upon a disclaimer from the Jammu and [...]