
Archive for ‘August 11th, 2009’

If Musharraf Committed Treason, The Chief Justice ‘Abetted’ Him, Will He Order To Hang Himself Too?

If Musharraf Committed Treason, The Chief Justice ‘Abetted’ Him, Will He Order To Hang Himself Too?
By Danyal Aziz
Tuesday, 11 August 2009.

RAWALPINDI, Pakistan—Is Mr. Ansar Abbasi right about invoking Article 6 of the Constitution against former President Pervez Musharraf?  
A dispassionate analysis of the said article of the Constitution proves that he is not right.
Article [...]

China Should Break India Into Smaller Pieces

China Should Break India Into Smaller Pieces
A Chinese strategist finds that there is no single united India and that the country is actually made up of several competing power centers that can be easily split apart.  This will surely abort the American-British plans for turning India into their new slave-soldier in Asia.  The strategist also [...]

When Will Supreme Court Strike Down NRO?

When Will Supreme Court Strike Down NRO?

In 2007 Condi Rice, Richard Boucher and British diplomat Mark Lyall Grant created a law called NRO to whitewash the illegal wealth of Benazir Bhutto, Asif Zardari and many other Pakistanis to help them come to power. Two years later, in 2009, the Supreme Court of Pakistan has indirectly declared the NRO as valid. The excuse for this is to avoid ‘rocking the system’. Musharraf is gone but his NRO will survive. In a theatrical move, he was condemned but his illegal creation – and that of Condi, Boucher and Grant – was preserved. This could prove to be the biggest deception carried out in Pakistan in the name of democracy.