
Archive for ‘July 10th, 2009’

Pakistan’s Wrong ‘American Debate’ On Taliban

Pakistan’s Wrong ‘American Debate’ On Taliban
Pakistanis have always opposed extremism. The current Pakistani policy of supporting American occupation in Afghanistan is not about that. It is about supporting an illegal action that is producing terrorism. End Pakistani support for the illegal occupation of Afghanistan to end terrorism.
By Imran KhanTuesday, 7 July 2009.
The News International.

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—The [...]

America’s Nuclear Games

America’s Nuclear Games
President Obama appears to have a rightwing agenda. Pakistan has come out the worst in Obama’s policies especially in terms of the growing intrusiveness of the US in Pakistan. The latest sign is how US inspectors are expected to arrive to monitor how the Pakistani bureaucracy spends US aid. Not to mention the [...]