
Archive for ‘June 20th, 2009’

BBC Caught In Mass Public Deception With Iran Propaganda

BBC Caught In Mass Public Deception With Iran Propaganda
News corporation uses photo from pro-Ahmadinejad rally, claims it represents anti-government protest
By Paul Joseph WatsonPrison Thursday, June 18, 2009
The BBC has again been caught engaging in mass public deception by using photographs of pro-Ahmadinejad rallies in Iran and claiming they represent anti-government protests in favor of [...]

The Military Intervenes To Affirm Nuclear Pakistan Is Here To Stay

Ending Some Confusion After American Reports & Govt.’s Inaction
The Military Intervenes To Affirm Nuclear Pakistan Is Here To Stay
Who Says Pakistani Nukes Are ‘Not Ready’?
Pakistan’s Nukes Are Here To Stay, Get Used To It
Why Bruce Riedel Has Lost My Respect
Pakistanis Laugh At Weak U.S. Nuclear Safeguards [...]

Who Says Pakistani Nukes Are ‘Not Ready’?

Who Says Pakistani Nukes Are ‘Not Ready’?
We all heard and read the leaked and calculated propaganda in the American media that seeks to spread worldwide confusion and alarm about Pakistan. Part of this campaign is the recent interesting American reports that Pakistani nuclear weapons are stored ‘disassembled’, as if Pakistan made huge investment in its [...]

Riedel And The Pakistani Bomb

Riedel And The Pakistani Bomb
A person of Mr. Riedel’s stature should be very careful in gathering and verifying his facts and should also avoid using unsubstantiated stereotypes and sweeping statements.
By Naeem Salik
Saturday, 20 June 2009.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—In the past month or so, there has been a concerted media campaign in the United States raising concerns [...]