
Archive for ‘May 6th, 2009’


Pakistan meaning the “The Land Of The Pure” where each day the sun rises with a new hope, with an enduring majesty as the rays of light flushing down towards the snowcapped peaks of the Himalaya’s and the Nanga Parbat. A land where love finds a meaning in the heart-warming hospitability of people, a land [...]

America’s ‘Pakistan Experts’ & Their Local Poodles

America’s ‘Pakistan Experts’ & Their Local Poodles
Welcome to the world of self-styled ‘Pakistan experts’, groomed by U.S. think tanks to sit thousands of miles away from the target country to provide to the ‘international media’ [read ‘British and American media’] one-sided analysis that suits U.S. government’s interests.  Recently, U.S. think tanks have also produced Pakistani [...]