
India Grandstands, Refuses To Help In Probe And Raises Tensions With Pakistan On Mumbai Anniversary

Posted by Web Editor on Nov 27th, 2010

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Indian Diplomacy On The Footsteps Of Indian Film Melodrama


It is shocking that this comes just as Pakistan asked Indian interrogators to testify in a trial in Pakistan of alleged Mumbai attack suspects. While Indians delay extending cooperation, they summon the top Pakistani diplomat for a show reminiscent of melodramatic Indian films.


CHRISTINA PALMER | Friday | 26 November 2010 |


NEW DELHI – Despite Pakistan’s repeated assurances of cooperation in the Mumbai attack probe, India on Thursday built up an atmosphere of mistrust by summoning Deputy High Commissioner of Pakistan Zulfiqar Gardezi to the Indian Foreign Ministry and accused Pakistan of lack of cooperation.

Diplomatic sources said that Deputy High Commissioner of Pakistan to India Zulfiqar Gardezi was summoned in the Indian Foreign Ministry at New Delhi and handed over a verbal note regarding Mumbai carnage. According to the notice, India expressed regret and said that it was not satisfied with the probe procedures and Pakistan had not accomplished its promises in this regard.

In a strongly-worded undiplomatic note, issued on the eve of Mumbai terror attacks anniversary, India expressed “regret” allegedly for not receiving feedback on several issues raised by it, including information on the names of seven persons involved in the attacks given by Home Minister P Chidambaram during his meeting with his Pakistani counterpart in June in Islamabad.

Sources in foreign office also confirmed to Online that Pakistan High Commission received the note verbale; however they said that there is no reality in the objections raised by India in the note. Since Pakistan is seeking cooperation of India as incident was happened there and Pakistan also wanted to support the neighboring country in this regard, they added.

Sources further said that India has not shown its cooperation in this regard and did not reply the advice of Pakistan regarding Judicial Commission. Pakistan has sought access to investigation officer and Magistrate but India is not positively responding. Pakistani courts are regularly hearing case while India is showing lackluster attitude as Pakistan cannot complete the probe without cooperation of Indian authorities, they added.


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1 Response for “India Grandstands, Refuses To Help In Probe And Raises Tensions With Pakistan On Mumbai Anniversary”

  1. rocktuff says:

    Y doesn’t ur prosecutors take interrogation on video conferencing. Why r they not coming to India?

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