
China’s Ambassador To Pakistan: Asia Needs A New Security Concept

Posted by Web Editor on Nov 12th, 2010

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On The Eve Of Pakistan President’s Visit

Says China And Asia Are Closer Than Ever; Calls For New Security System That Respects Differences


  • Avoid internationalizing disputes in South China Sea
  • Parties need to meet halfway on Korean Peninsula; views of everyone must be considered before denuclearization
  • China and Pakistan are ‘good neighbors, close friends and trusted brothers’
  • ‘Unselfish and unconditional help’ and support to Pakistan
  • Thousands of Chinese engineers and workers in Pakistan working hard for the country
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As China’s leadership honors Pakistan by inviting the Pakistani president to open Asian Games 2010, China’s ambassador to Pakistan says China’s role in Asia cannot be denied, that China invests in Asia more than any other continent, and that disputes must be appropriately managed and resolved according to international norms.


Click here for the full report in PDF: China-Pakistan-New Security Concept-12Nov10-PP21  


PRESS RELEASE | Friday | 12 November 2010


ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—On the eve of Pakistani president’s visit to China and the expected visit to Islamabad next month by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, China’s ambassador to Pakistan Liu Jian has called today for a new security paradigm in Asia and pledged his country’s “unselfish and unconditional help and support” to longtime ally Pakistan.

The Chinese leadership invited Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari today to open the Guangzhou Asian Games 2010, in a special gesture to honor Pakistan.

Also today China’s Number Two, Premier Wen Jiabao, said he is coming to Islamabad next month to “deepen strategic cooperation.” In a sign of a new boost in Sino-Pak relations, Wen proposed “the establishment of a mechanism for formal and structured dialogue to ensure smooth and real time communication on all issues of common interest,” according to a report by the official Pakistani wire service APP.

Analysts say the boost ties could be a result of US President Barrack Obama’s visit to India and the region, where he ignored Pakistan and visited Asian countries known to have disputes with China.

Ambassador Liu, in a paper released today in Islamabad by Project For Pakistan In 21st Century, an independent Pakistani think tank, called for “a new security concept” in Asia. In the following quote from the report, Ambassador Liu describes what the new security system for Asia should look like:

Ambassador Liu Jian

“China believes a new security concept should be established with mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination at its core; one that recognizes, respects and rises above national differences in terms of ideology, values, social system and development stage.”

He also dwelt in detail on China’s policy outlook on the situation on the Korean Peninsula, China’s rights in the South China Sea, border disputes in Asia, and ties with Pakistan.

He said Beijing and Islamabad are “good neighbors, close friends and trusted brothers.”

Vowing “unselfish and unconditional” support, Liu said thousands of Chinese engineers and workers are contributing to Pakistan’s progress.

Click here to read the full paper by Ambassador Liu 


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4 Responses for “China’s Ambassador To Pakistan: Asia Needs A New Security Concept”

  1. [...] The Chinese premier called to “deepen strategic cooperation” and proposed “the establishment of a mechanism for formal and structured dialogue to ensure smooth and real time communication on all issues of common interest,” according to a report published on Nov. 12. [...]

  2. Iftikhar Ali says:

    Lease Pakistan to China

    China is in a position that it can actually buy a whole country if it likes. So why not we offer ourselves to merge with China or at least be ruled by China. If United Kingdom can take Hong Kong on 99 years of forced lease why can’t we offer ourselves to China on a 99 years lease? This was my stand point when I was asked by a young man from Pakistan what could be done to solve the political, social and financial corruption in Pakistan. I was visiting Canton fair and it was such a delight that in mere 5 years time the whole city has been transferred from a ghetto looking neighborhood to world class city. I mean just few years back me and my friend Mubashir Bajwa were shocked to see a rather very healthy looking mouse displayed on a breakfast menu sign board right on Guangzhou airport’s restaurant. The airport itself was in a very shabby shape. It really put us off visiting China again. But that had all been changed this time around. A clean airport with plenty of world class eateries with a very clean environment along with very efficient transport system in the city gives you a new feeling. I was impressed at such a quick pace of development. It could have only happen in China.

    So back to my point why not we become the twenty fourth province of China for at least 99 years to come. I mean it can kill two stones with one shoot. If we become part of China Empire India will think twice before even setting an eye on a Chinese protectorate, Americans will have to take their war in Afghanistan somewhere else as China will never allow it to be conducted from Pakistani soil. As to Pakistani political elite; it will have to find something else to do with their time and ill gotten money. Furthermore, Pakistan Army will be happy to do what it do best, apart from protecting Pakistan from India, the reconstructing work. Build roads through Iran, Turkey and Afghanistan. Start work on Pak-China Pipe lines and roads to transport commodities and oil and gas. Furthermore, the Army budget can immediately be shifted to health education, agriculture and hydro projects. We to opt for dated power generation technology when we can very well we go for Nuclear Power Stations from China and sell all coal reserve to China to pay for it. That will be a swift and long term plan to build the power sector in Pakistan, provide necessary basic education to masses and build required infrastructure. China can use the well educated English speaking youngsters of Pakistan to setup its back office IT network in Baluchistan to match with Banglore of India. Our natural resources are under valued and under funded. We can develop a national startgy to use them first locally and export remaining to China by road or rail links. Why to look beyond, our next door neighbor is willing to offer and has already offered what any other nation on the face of the earth has so far in time of crisis; providing much needed aid during Earth Quack of 2005 and Flooding of 2010.

    A free market with freedom of speech is all we ask. Political party can exist as long as they do not interfere with foreign policy. A religious party can either be a religious party or a political one. We cannot afford them playing with innocent mind and churning out jihadists or supporting jihad in or outside the country.
    We want to remain a Muslim country managed by a Muslim ruler through China dictate.

    There exists number of examples where something of the sort has already happened, look at Japan, Germany, Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, Goa and Hawaii. The list is unending. Most of them have gained more then they were supposed to. We need to put our act together as a nation now, or a time will come when we might not have the luxury of choosing our ally, we just might as well be annexed by India or America through proxy of Afghanistan or in the name of national interest of either as our political leaders neither are patriotic nor nationalists. A campaign to create an excuse has already taken place where time and again it has been debated that should not America take over Pakistan in order to safe guards its nuclear facility or curb terrorist threat to USA.

    China can pay all external and internal debts, restore Pakistan credit rating, manage its fiscal deficit and run the country as another province of China. A strict tax regime should be introduced. Trade barriers should be imposed similar to China, Pak currency should be pegged to Rimini and whole country should be declared tax free for foreign investment. In other words replicate Hong Kong.
    Pakistan trade deficit can be paid off one time and a new fiscal policy can be formulated. There are too many things needed too quickly. So we should just ask China to give us freedom of religion and speech. But same law should be introduced as in China as it has served them well so far. One should not forget it is China that has moved 400 million people form poverty in just 10 years, which in it self is a miracle.
    Now will China take this job? Well China has the money, need natural resources, is in dire state of getting to Arabian Sea for a shorter transporting route for its oil and commodities and has already helped Pakistan construct three of the most important project in the history of Pakistan that is Gowader Port, Silk Road and Sandik Gold project. So for China it will be ideal to manage the whole country as it is also in the National interest of China to have a stable Pakistan. So yes China will take this golden opportunity and take up this offer and at the same time revive RCD with Iran, Pakistan and Turkey. Infact this reginal grouping shouldtake other countries in it such as central Asain states like Tukmanistan, Khazikstan and ……….If EU can evolve into a 25 strong nation into one what is stopping these muslim countires to come together. China as a big brother needs all and all these nation need China. Its time to think again as Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan said on 12th Noember 2010 that: Asia Needs A New Security Concept, a deal of this kind can really work for the benefit of this region and particular for Pakistan as a nation.

  3. Abbasi says:

    Being continously under the direct contact and influence of the devious zionists, the psyche of Pakistani leadership is visibly deformed. However, company of any good friend ibrings goodness, surely, we would be more relaxed to improve viable friendship with China, rather than playing with a wolf in sheep skin. It is never too late to discard the evil.

  4. Tariq Haider says:

    We must build and cherish our relation with China, as China have been as very consistant dependable friend. She helped Pakistan in defence and energy sectors
    like no other developed country has ever had. When we complain about the insensivities of United States, we forgets to reinforce our relations with China.
    As China proved herself a friend in need is a friend indeed.


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