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At an event organized by the British Army for world militaries to compete in toughness, with 750 soldiers participating worldwide, Pakistani soldiers bagged the Gold Medal for being the toughest soldiers capable of patrolling in the most difficult conditions.
By AZHAR AYAZ | Tuesday, 19 October 2010.
LONDON, UK—Beating hundreds of soldiers from major armies of the world, Pakistan Army has won the coveted Gold Award at the prestigious Cambrian Patrol Exercise held in Wales with participation from armies of India, Australia, Canada, United States and France among others.
750 soldiers from across the world descended on the Brecon Beacons in Wales to suffer through one of the toughest exercises ever devised. The Cambrian patrol tested the soldiering skills of the teams as they crossed some of the most arduous terrain one can imagine.
During the marches, the teams had to complete challenges including observation and reconnaissance of enemy forces, cold-river crossings in full kit without access to boats, first-aid and defensive shooting under attack.
The exercise is organized by the British Army [HQ 160 (W) Brigade on behalf of HQ 5 Div] with an aim to provide a challenging patrols exercise in order to develop operational capability. Cambrian Patrol is arduous and concentrates on leadership, teamwork, physical fitness and achieving the mission by drawing participants from foreign countries.
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Our army is a great example of bravery, encourage and professionalism. Hope, in future, this kind of performance would be the part of our civilian institutions as well.
Few people criticize the army but army always comes up with strong character.
But our civilian institutions are just like bad eggs. I have never heard anything that they have done something positive for people Pakistan. Judiciary is taking steps now and we always blame our politician but forget about our bureaucracy who is main culprit class in Pakistan. They get the job that they would serve the people of Pakistan and as they get in the system, they become ruler. When the time would come in Pakistan, people would realize that loyalty, hardworking honesty and dignity has more value than bribe, dishonesty and disloyalty.
Alhamdo lillah…
Pak Army Zinda-bad.
[...] -via Ahmed Quraishi [...]
Pakistan has a lot of potential in his youth and in his army…Pakistan army rocks keep it up …
Congrats to our great army on this highly commendable achievement in these tough times. Wish our corrup so called leaders leave our army alone and let them do their core business of protecting our lovely country which Allah has bestowed on us, Mashallah. You are the best without any doubt. May ALlah protect us from Kuffar, Ameen.
I think we have lost the taste to appreciate even the best in ourselves. Our media and pseudo-intelligentsia has created a false perception in our hearts and ninds that we are the worse people on the face of the earth. No body questions the enormity of challenges we have been facing. If we even perform better in economy by doubling our production/productivity today, even that is not sufficient to manage the problems we have been facing. In fact every national and international players want us to fail as a nation; however, we are still there. Political leadership is just a small tip on the iceberg of the concept of nation. There are alot more details to nation/nationhood which I believe we are good in. Now is the time to learn to appreciate the best in ourselves. Just count the achievements we have done in the last 60 years and compare it with any comparable nation. You will find that we are better than so many other nations/states.So one should feel proud of such stories. Bravo Pakistan army!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great Performance by Great Army
Keep it up.
Keep on telling the world that we R the BEST
We love you Pakistan
We love you Pakistan Army.
You are the true warriors. You are the true MEN.
Long live Pakistan. May ALLAH help us against the evil.. Ameen.
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Yasir Qureshi, Ismaeyl khan. Ismaeyl khan said: Pakistanis Are Tough Patrollers, Army Wins Gold Medal In UK [...]
I salute my team for keeping the flag high. i luv my army . it is the best and will remain the best. proud to be a Pakistani. this is the motivation for the whole nation. they expect lot from pakistan army. love you all. pakistan army zindabad.
They may be allegedly the best, but whose interests are they serving ?
Whose war are they fighting ?
This celebrating and proud praise is misplaced, when you consider that
they have only been deployed by the US against our own people, and have been withdrawn against India when they were winning , again by the us sponsored treacherous rulers.
To be the best in the world deserves praise and celebration. Whether some one agrees with the missions they are carrying out , where they are operating and against whom or not is purely based on some particular political affiliation, but it cannot detract from the fact that our boys proved that they are the best.
To be the best in the world deserves both praise and celebration. Whether one agrees with the missions that they are carrying out is a matter of political opinion.
This is the second good news, a couple of months ago ISI was declared the best Agency among top 10 Int Agencies of the world. Proud of ISI & Pak Army
We are proud of our Soldiers…. Long Live Pakistan Army !!!!
Our history tells us that we have won wars despite of all odds including less in numbers and with less technology of that time. It’s the will of Man which gives inner strength to resist and fight to last drop of blood. Our Military is a living example of that MA.
Lets hope this gold medal army also defends the Pakistani people from the treacherous brown faced western client governments dynasty,
The usuk bases taken back, the usuk repelled at the border, the supply lines cut, and the blackwater fbi spies rounded up and sent home.
The false idol of democracy should be smashed, and the sincere Islamic ruling, with Islamic systems should be established. This is the Sunnah.
This govt is elected by the ppl of pakistan..hence it is you and me who have elected this govt ..y ask army to defend the ppl against the govt…you refer to sharia..ALLAh say ..your rullers are like you are.if you are good you will have good rullers if you are bad you will have bad rullers its so simple..stop balming others and look yopur inner self…
you misunderstand, i said it is a corrupt rigged system, designed to serve the interests of the enemy,
How come the people want one thing and the government does something else then ? This is why army should defend the people againt treacerous government and system.
This website is full of such examples.
This proves it is not doing what the people want, and it should be replaced with Islamic System.
We have these rulers because we did not follow Islam. It is our own fault we allowed this , so we should enjoin al-khair and forbid munkar and establish Islamic System.
Thats y we solute our Army and I am sure if they compare us in Air-force again we will win Gold too
Pakistan no doubt has the best army of the world long live Pakistan
Brilliant!! MashAllah!