
Archive for ‘September 2nd, 2009’

The Harpoons And Pakistan’s American Mess

The Harpoons And Pakistan’s American Mess
Two Pakistani political parties, Mr. Zardari’s PPP and Mr. Sharif’s PMLN, both ironically created during the reigns of two different military rulers, are taking the nation for a ride in the name of democracy.  Thanks to their nonperformance in the past nineteen months, Pakistan is staring at a huge national [...]

NEWS BREAK: Anne Patterson Blocks Shireen Mazari

NEWS BREAK: Anne Patterson Blocks Shireen Mazari
US Ambassador In Pakistan Forces A Newspaper To Censor A Known US Critic
Finally, the Americans take their revenge.  Dr. Mazari single-handedly threw cold water on Washington’s plan last year to send a rabidly anti-Pakistani US army general as defense attachĂ© to Islamabad.  The Pakistani government quietly accepted the [...]

The Harpoons And Pakistan’s American Mess

The Harpoons And Pakistan’s American Mess

Click to enlarge


ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Two Pakistani political parties, Mr. Zardari’s PPP and Mr. Sharif’s PMLN, both ironically created during the reigns of two different military rulers, are taking the nation for a ride in the name of democracy.  Thanks to their nonperformance in the past nineteen months, Pakistan is staring at a huge national failure, from foreign policy to Gwadar.  Terrorism and target killings in Balochistan are being ignored by all politicians in the name of sympathizing with a politician-turned-terrorist who secretly received weapons from abroad and who permitted his grandson to join enemies of the homeland.