
Archive for ‘July 1st, 2009’

Think, Americans: What’s Better, Tomahawks Or Michael Jackson?

Think, Americans: What’s Better, Tomahawks Or Michael Jackson?


Wednesday, 1 July 2009.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—They say Muslim nations want war with America. Can you explain why an American like Michael Jackson became hugely popular across Middle East and Central Asia despite the hatred for America’s foreign policy and military involvements in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan? Anti-Americanism [...]

US Trains Jundullah; Iran Hangs Them But In Pakistan Politicians Are Silent

US Trains Jundullah; Iran Hangs Them But In Pakistan Politicians Are Silent
The insurgency in Pakistani Balochistan and the Iranian Balochistan began after the Americans landed in Afghanistan. In Iran they use the Sunni-Shia divide and in Pakistan they use language and ethnicity, with the active participation of several major Indian intelligence outposts in Afghanistan. The [...]

Setting Waziristan Ablaze

Setting Waziristan Ablaze
We at strongly support the military operation against the terrorists in northwest Pakistan who are disguised as ‘Pakistani Taliban’ and are killing Pakistanis while claiming to fight American occupation of Afghanistan. The author, Mr. Roedad Khan, a former senior bureaucrat in the Pakistani government, makes a valid point here. The high standard [...]

Think, Americans: What’s Better, Tomahawks Or Michael Jackson?


ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—They say Muslim nations want war with America. Can you explain why an American like Michael Jackson became hugely popular across Middle East and Central Asia despite the hatred for America’s foreign policy and military involvements in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan? Anti-Americanism is a lie used by Washington to lead the American people into unnecessary wars and create new enemies. Washington needs to learn from Jackson, Stallone, Madonna, and Tom Cruise. They took America to places where its military and politicians couldn’t.