
Archive for ‘December 17th, 2008’

Pakistani Hindus Rally To Support Jamaat al-Daawa Charity

Pakistani Hindus Rally To Support Jamaat al-Daawa Charity
December 17, 2008
EXCLUSIVE | Dan Qayyum |
Hundreds of members of Pakistan’s Hindu community have turned out to protest on behalf of a Muslim charity accused by India over the deadly Mumbai attacks.
Muslim Pakistan has a Hindu minority, many of whom are impoverished agricultural workers, but the women in the southern [...]

This Government Is Committing Treason

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—We have information that both Mr. Husain Haqqani and Mr. Husain Haroon, our ambassadors to the U.S. and U.N. respectively, were instructed by the Zardari-Gilani government to coordinate with the British and the American ambassadors to ensure that the name of former ISI chief Hameed Gul, in addition to other Pakistani citizens and organizations, are included in a Security Council resolution. We have a government with shady characters in key places, strongly backed by the Bush administration, acting and behaving as if they were representing a