
Archive for ‘December 15th, 2008’

India Kidnapped Ajmal Kassab From Nepal In 2006

India Kidnapped Ajmal Kassab From Nepal In 2006
Pakistan is yet to verify Indian claims about Kassab. But his name is already on the list of Pakistani citizens kidnapped by Indians from Nepal. A Nepalese court is looking into the matter. So, was the Mumbai attack an inside job, a bright Indian idea to replicate 9/11 [...]

A Layman’s Anger: The Weak Response By Pakistani Politicians & Military

A Layman’s Anger: The Weak Response By Pakistani Politicians & Military
God forbid if anything happens to our country then it will not only be the fault of our corrupt leaders like President Zardari, Defense Minister Ahmed Mukhtar, Rehman Malik and other similar leaders but also the military establishment which could have prevented such corrupt leaders from staying in power.
Dear Mr. [...]

They Want A War? Let’s Give Them One