
Archive for ‘June 18th, 2008’

Watch Out For Change In Islamabad

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—We have no hesitation in saying that, unless the present rulers control some of the damage they wrought in the past three months, the existing system is going to collapse very soon and the final outcome will not be very pleasant for the present rulers, in fact may even be bloody. When the federal government is weak and the country is run by non-elected men with dozens of known corruption, murder, drug trafficking and extortion cases, and the Pakistani ambassador to U.S. is a known pro-Israel Zionist, and the National Security advisor is a CIA asset, political chaos reigns supreme, terrorism is flourishing, ‘lawyers and civil society’ are acting as smokescreens and the U.S. is invading Pakistani areas to test the waters, this is a sign that a regime change and nuclear disarmament plan is underway big time.

Pakistani Student Snubs U.S. Ambassador, Payback For Attack

Pakistani Student Snubs U.S. Ambassador, Payback For Attack
In the full glare of the media, Samad Khurram refused to receive an award from Anne Patterson. None of the Pakistanis in the hall joined him or gave him a standing ovation.
Reported By ZAID HAMID
Wednesday, 18 June 2008.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—A Pakistani student, Mr. Samad Khurram, today has [...]

America: Dubious Ally Or Outright Enemy?