
Archive for ‘January 4th, 2008’

Zardari: From a Prisoner To a Prime Minister

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—This is being dubbed as Mr. Ten Percent’s biggest deal: Taking over the name, the wealth, and one of Pakistan’s most glamorous parties. Asif Zardari couldn’t ask for more in his wildest dreams. Read how Mr. Zardari made it from a prisoner to a party leader and, possibly, a future prime minister or president of Pakistan.

Finger-Pointing: 15 Questions For Mr. Asif Ali Zardari

Friday, 4 January 2008.
1.      With the NRO still around, striking down all corruption cases, and having become president of PPP and also having sole control over all of Benazir’s property and assets, is there anyone in the world who has benefited more from late Benazir’s death than Mr. Zardari? Does it not make [...]

How Benazir’s Security Consultants Failed Her