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To Zardari-Gilani-Qureshi-Durrani: Why Humiliate Pakistan?

To Zardari-Gilani-Qureshi-Durrani: Why Humiliate Pakistan?
On Sunday, Mr. Gordon Brown, the British prime minister, had the audacity to lecture Pakistanis on how terrorist acts in Britain were traced to Pakistani soil. We are sorry for the inconvenience, Mr. Brown, but you shouldn’t forget your country’s share of the problem. And it’s a huge share. A [...]

Shut Down CIA Station In Islamabad

Shut Down CIA Station In Islamabad
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—A war with Pakistan is India’s opportunity to legitimize action beyond its borders –which is what superpowers do – and launch its new career as a U.S.-propped [and Bollywood-propped] ‘superpower’.   Pakistan will have to match the challenge or accept Indian hegemony for the rest of the century. And [...]

To Pervaiz Hoodbhoy & Asma Jahangir: Are You Pakistani Or Indian?

To Pervaiz Hoodbhoy & Asma Jahangir: Are You Pakistani Or Indian?
Wednesday, 24 December 2008.
Here’s a tale of two Pakistani self-haters and defeatists who enjoy every moment of hating themselves and their country: Dr. Pervaiz Hoodbhoy and Asma Jahangir.
Whenever there is a writing project in any newspaper anywhere in the world where they [...]

Zardari Govt. Misled China

Zardari Govt. Misled China
More information is coming out that confirms how the Zardari-Gilani government has deliberately opened a door that could lead to future sanctions against Pakistan and its military under the pretext of fighting terrorism. This is suicide for Pakistan. This is also my answer for those who criticized me for being harsh when [...]

Jamaat al Daawa’s Shining Moment