
Archive for ‘August, 2009’

EXCLUSIVE: Drone Strike Was Not Meant For Mehsud

EXCLUSIVE: Drone Strike Was Not Meant For Mehsud
August 9, 2009
CIA Stunned – Americans Led To Strike Wrong Target.

Baitullah and his predecessor Abdullah Mehsud were protected by CIA and provided active support by India’s and Karzai’s spy agents.
Sunday, 9 August 2009.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—The drone strike that resulted in the death of Pakistan’s most wanted [...]

ALERT: A Pakistani Government Official Caught Telling Brahamdagh Bugti: ‘Declare Balochistan Independence While You Still Have A Chance’

ALERT: A Pakistani Government Official Caught Telling Brahamdagh Bugti: ‘Declare Balochistan Independence While You Still Have A Chance’
This hard evidence adds to the existing circumstantial evidence that some foreign governments have successfully cultivated high-level moles in Islamabad.
Wednesday, 5 August 2009.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Pakistan’s Balochistan province is under attack.  Pakistanis should be in no doubt now [...]

American NGO Covers For Blackwater In Pakistan?

American NGO Covers For Blackwater In Pakistan?
Reports suggest Pakistan has expelled a US Blackwater mercenary, but Pakistanis ask,  ‘Who rules our streets, the Pakistani government or the Americans?’ And who let them in?
In May, a US diplomat was caught arranging a meeting between a suspected Indian spy and senior Pakistani officials in the privacy [...]

Terrorists Preparing To Declare Independent Balochistan, Pakistani Politicians Mum

Terrorists Preparing To Declare Independent Balochistan, Pakistani Politicians Mum
The Politicians – Zardari, Gilani, Rehman, Nawaz – Refuse To Condemn The Terrorism Of Akbar Bugti’s Grandson & His US/Indian Backed Terrorists In Afghanistan

 Terrorists claiming to represent Pakistani Balochis are planning to declare ‘independence’ on 11 August 2009, according to BRASSTACKS.  It will not change much on [...]

Terrorists Preparing To Declare Independent Balochistan, Pakistani Politicians Mum


ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Terrorists claiming to represent Pakistani Balochis are planning to declare ‘independence’ on 11 August 2009, according to BRASSTACKS.  It will not change much on the ground but these terrorists and their supporters in Kabul, New Delhi and within CIA will score a major point against Islamabad.  The pro-US government in Islamabad and even the Pakistani opposition are courting Washington and are silent on this emerging threat to the Pakistani state.  No Pakistani politician is ready to call Akbar Bugti or Kabul-based Brahamdagh or London-based Harbyar Mari by their real designation as terrorists.  Both President Zardari and Mr. Nawaz Sharif are silent accomplices in what they believe is a good opportunity to weaken the grip of the Pakistani military.  Plans are also underway to create a ‘Pakistani Kurdistan’.  Interior Minister Rehman Malik is yet to accuse Britain of giving safe haven to terrorists.