
Archive for ‘June, 2009’

So Who Did Kill Benazir Bhutto?

So Who Did Kill Benazir Bhutto?
In this two-part column, Humayun Gauhar explores the assassination of Pakistan’s former prime minister. Fresh insight.
By Humayun Gauhar
Sunday, 7 June 2009.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Trying to identify assassins of the great is a zero sum game. Theories sprout up instantaneously, depending on where the theorists are coming from politically. The real assassins are [...]

Why Bruce Riedel Has Lost My Respect

Why Bruce Riedel Has Lost My Respect
Mr. Riedel waits until the 24th paragraph of his long tirade against Pakistan to disclose the agenda on Pakistan’s nuclear program. He urges the US government to work even with Israel if the need be to isolate Pakistan and ultimately end Pakistan’s nuclear capabilities.  What more does the Pakistani [...]

Pakistanis Laugh At Weak U.S. Nuclear Safeguards

Pakistanis Laugh At Weak U.S. Nuclear Safeguards
Saturday, 6 June 2009.

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Pakistanis were laughing as a sensitive list of U.S. nuclear sites was mistakenly posted on Internet, the latest in a series of American nuclear security breaches that Pakistanis say places the United States as the world’s most dangerous nuclear power.
In 2007 a U.S. [...]

The World Doesn’t Have A Pakistan Nukes Problem … It Has A David Albright Problem

The World Doesn’t Have A Pakistan Nukes Problem … It Has A David Albright Problem
Saturday, 6 June 2009.
WASHINGTON, DC—As AFP tells us, the Institute for Science and International Security just published a report on Pakistan’s nuclear program that seems designed to pour gasoline on the “the Pakistani nuclear program is outta [...]

The Rollback: Betraying Pakistan’s Nuclear Program

The Rollback: Betraying Pakistan’s Nuclear Program
Who Is Revealing Our Nuclear Info To Washington?
Jailing Dr. A. Q. Khan, sending centrifuges to IAEA, government’s silence on American propaganda, news reports that the government has agreed to some secret concessions in Washington, the blocking of the budget for nuclear research and development, the reluctance of Pakistani diplomats to move [...]

Pakistan Should Exploit American Desperation


ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—This is the time for Islamabad to exploit Washington’s desperation. SecDef Robert Gates is pleading Asia to support America’s failed Afghan project, while his colleague the U.S. Treasury Secretary is begging China to continue financing the U.S. government. The Americans are behind a Sunni militant group fighting for secession in Iran’s Balochistan and another ethnic militia in Pakistan’s Balochistan. The U.S. media leak on American weapons going to Afghan militants is a cover-up meant to hide what the Pakistani Army has discovered in Swat, that terrorists are using sophisticated American [and Indian] weapons to kill Pakistanis. Islamabad needs to end the American highhandedness, beginning with limiting CIA outposts in Pakistan.