
Archive for ‘February, 2008’

CIA Talked To Taliban In Quetta

CIA Talked To Taliban In Quetta
A one-stop briefing on the Pakistani-American-Afghan triangle.
“… It started in 2003, when in Quetta some CIA operatives spoke to a section of Taliban. But thing is that whenever they spoke to Taliban, they always dish out the proposal that they would accept Taliban in the government, but without Mullah Omar and [...]

Our Funny Ex Generals And Bureaucrats

Our Funny Ex Generals And Bureaucrats

I personally know some who moved heaven and earth to join Musharraf’s team in 1999, begging anyone who had Musharraf’s ear to the point of embarrassment. When they didn’t get any job they turned democrat and turned on Musharraf. All this noise is to catch the next prime minister’s eye, [...]

CIA Talked To Taliban In Quetta

CIA Talked To Taliban In Quetta
A one-stop briefing on the Pakistani-American-Afghan triangle.
“… It started in 2003, when in Quetta some CIA operatives spoke to a section of Taliban. But thing is that whenever they spoke to Taliban, they always dish out the proposal that they would accept Taliban in the government, but without Mullah Omar and [...]

Should Musharraf Apologize To Ziauddin?