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China’s Ambassador To Pakistan: Asia Needs A New Security Concept
Posted By Web Editor On November 12, 2010 @ 6:13 pm In China, Economy, Foreign Policy, India, Military, Politics, Top Stories, United States | 4 Comments
On The Eve Of Pakistan President’s Visit
Says China And Asia Are Closer Than Ever; Calls For New Security System That Respects Differences
As China’s leadership honors Pakistan by inviting the Pakistani president to open Asian Games 2010, China’s ambassador to Pakistan says China’s role in Asia cannot be denied, that China invests in Asia more than any other continent, and that disputes must be appropriately managed and resolved according to international norms.
Click here for the full report in PDF: China-Pakistan-New Security Concept-12Nov10-PP21
PRESS RELEASE | Friday | 12 November 2010
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—On the eve of Pakistani president’s visit to China and the expected visit to Islamabad next month by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, China’s ambassador to Pakistan Liu Jian has called today for a new security paradigm in Asia and pledged his country’s “unselfish and unconditional help and support” to longtime ally Pakistan.
The Chinese leadership invited Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari today to open the Guangzhou Asian Games 2010, in a special gesture to honor Pakistan.
Also today China’s Number Two, Premier Wen Jiabao, said he is coming to Islamabad next month to “deepen strategic cooperation.” In a sign of a new boost in Sino-Pak relations, Wen proposed “the establishment of a mechanism for formal and structured dialogue to ensure smooth and real time communication on all issues of common interest,” according to a report by the official Pakistani wire service APP.
Analysts say the boost ties could be a result of US President Barrack Obama’s visit to India and the region, where he ignored Pakistan and visited Asian countries known to have disputes with China.
Ambassador Liu, in a paper released today in Islamabad by Project For Pakistan In 21st Century, an independent Pakistani think tank, called for “a new security concept” in Asia. In the following quote from the report, Ambassador Liu describes what the new security system for Asia should look like:
“China believes a new security concept should be established with mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination at its core; one that recognizes, respects and rises above national differences in terms of ideology, values, social system and development stage.”
He also dwelt in detail on China’s policy outlook on the situation on the Korean Peninsula, China’s rights in the South China Sea, border disputes in Asia, and ties with Pakistan.
He said Beijing and Islamabad are “good neighbors, close friends and trusted brothers.”
Vowing “unselfish and unconditional” support, Liu said thousands of Chinese engineers and workers are contributing to Pakistan’s progress.
Click here to read the full paper by Ambassador Liu
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