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Haqqani: Treat Pakistanis Like ‘Rug-Sellers’, Horny Shy Woman
Posted By Web Editor On December 10, 2010 @ 1:22 am In Foreign Meddling, Foreign Policy, Military, Pakistan, Politicians, Politics, United States, Videos, War To Cripple Pakistan, WikiLeaks | 6 Comments
… And this is Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States. Of course, most Pakistanis know his reality. They call him, ‘America’s envoy to our Washington embassy.’
Last year, Pakistani legislators ripped him apart during Parliament debates when key clauses on Pakistani military in the controversial Kerry-Lugar-Berman bill matched his recommendations on how to deal with Paksitan’s military and intelligence. The book was deemed anti-Pakistan and anti-Pak military. The clauses in the US Congressional bill were meant to allow pro-US individuals in the Pakistani government control the military and intelligence and use them for American interests. Some Pakistani legislators suspected Amb. Haqqani was pushing his own anti-Pakistan agenda in Washington.
Here, renowned Pakistani commentator Talat Hussain quotes a passage from Bob Woodward’s book, Obama’s Wars, where Ambassador Haqqani is quoted giving advice on Pakistan to US officials.
Woodward says Mr. Haqqani told US officials that Pakistanis are ‘rug sellers’ who start high in a bargain and accept peanuts in the end. In another quote, Mr. Haqqani says Pakistan is like a shy woman that wants to have sex but wants some material things first.
Talat Hussain ends his commentary by saying with ambassadors like Mr. Haqqani, Pakistan has enough damage done to its vital interests without the need for leaks from US diplomatic cables.
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URL to article: https://ahmedquraishi.com/2010/12/10/husain-haqqani-to-us-officials-pakistanis-are-rug-sellers-treat-them-like-a-shy-woman/
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