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Who Funded This Somali Terrorist Wannabe? Hello Fox News?
Posted By Rizwan Rizzi Elahi On December 9, 2010 @ 12:06 am In Columnists, Foreign Meddling, Foreign Policy, Rizwan 'Rizzi' Elahi, Top Stories, United States, War on Terror | 3 Comments
Who Funded This Somali Terrorist Wannabe? Hello Fox News?
Al Qaeda is not the only one using kids for terror acts. Others are doing it too.
RIZWAN ‘RIZZI’ ELAHI | Wednesday | 8 December 2010 | Columnists
CALIFORNIA, US—Recently, a nineteen-year-old Somali-American was accused of having the intention to blow up a Christmas-related gathering in Portland, Oregon. Cases like this one show there are people out there who have the potential to commit such acts.
Question is: Why is it that most of these would-be terrorists or suicide bombers emerging these days are Muslim teenagers or young adults?
These individuals are sometimes trained to believe what they are doing is a true call for Jihad.
The question is: Who is calling these kids to Jihad?
Jihad is an inner struggle to stand up for peace and what is right. Jihad is to stand up for justice, for the oppressed, for the hungry, and for the poor. Also, if a call for collective Jihad is made by people in authority, then not just one teenager but a whole wave of people will step up and nobody would be able to stop them.
However, nowadays, outside forces are using this passion for Islam for their own gains and twisted goals or evil hidden agendas.
Who are these people? They target young people, because they know these kids have the Islamic passion and can be emotionally charged up quickly. Or is it the FBI targeting young Muslims because the FBI is paranoid and wants to get kids emotionally charged to get them before they get Americans? Or may be some interest groups or governments hiring corrupted mullahs to brainwash kids to do such acts?
All of these possibilities exist but get overlooked. One thing is for sure, however. How can a kid like this 19-year-old be funded in the United States, a country where Muslims are now watched 24/7? An individual his age obviously cannot do everything by himself alone. Did anyone bring this question up? Hello Fox News? Who funds these kids?
Of course, it is easy to just blame FBI, or Mossad, or CIA but at the end of the day, outside forces like these are only effective when Muslims are vulnerable and weak.
Mr. Elahi is a columnist for PakNationalists.com He is a Pakistani American living in California. He is the CEO of Elahiandcompanies.com . He has a passion to contribute back to Pakistan, the homeland and the people, anyway he can. Reach him at
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