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Dvija Jee: How India Stopped Obama From Raising Kashmir
Posted By Web Editor On November 7, 2010 @ 3:59 pm In Dvija Jee, India, Kashmir, Obama Visit, Photo Gallery, Politics | 3 Comments
Indian politicians, military officials, businessmen, journalists, civili society activists and even intellectuals [except one decent humanist Indian lady named Arundhati Roy] pride themselves on how they block their guests/hosts from raising the international dispute over Kashmir.
And so was the case during US President Barrack Obama’s visit. Dvija Jee and others like him stopped Mr. Obama and his high-powered delegation from raising this issue.
How India did it? Dvija Jee gives us this unique insight.
Dvija Jee is has joined PakNationalists.com as a commentator. He mocks India’s policy options and superpower ambitions in the region. His character replicates a prototype Indian politician known for using Hinduism, a religion of peace, for racist, political, territorial and religious ends. Almost all of India’s immediate neighbors are disturbed by Dvija Jee and see him as hegemonic, overbearing. Dvija Jee is a source of conflict and tension with China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal. Thanks to his intransigence, Kashmir is a nuclear flashpoint and thousands of innocent Kashmiri women have been raped by him as a means to stop Kashmiris from seeking an end to Indian occupation.
Dvija Jee knows he needs to mend his ways. He was thinking about it when Uncle Sam whispered to him, ‘You could be a superpower’. Since then, Dvija Jee has been flying way above his league. He knows if he left Kashmir now, hundreds of thousands of stories of state-sponsored rapes, torture and mass graves will emerge. It’ll even put Slobodan Milosevic to shame. Who will save Dvija Jee then?
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