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Did ISI Chief ‘Confess’ To CIA?
Posted By Web Editor On September 29, 2010 @ 5:24 am In Columnists, Foreign Meddling, Foreign Policy, India, Military, Pak-US Dialogue, Pakistani Politics, Terrorism, Top Stories, United States, War on Terror | 6 Comments
Wednesday, 29 September 2010.
The Daily Mail of Pakistan
LAHORE, Pakistan—This is now common knowledge that the infamous American spy outfit Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) carries out overt and covert operations across the world. Its latest target has been Pakistan’s national intelligence agency, the ISI.
CIA has launched a smear campaign to malign Pakistan’s premier intelligence agency by suggesting an ISI role in the Mumbai attacks. This time, the CIA has used the services of Mr. Bob Woodward who has authored and published a book titled ‘Obama’s war’. The book, page after page, alleges that the Mumbai attacks were the doing of an ISI-sponsored squad.
Not only this, the author has also created a so-called confession of ISI chief: “Less than a month after the Mumbai attacks, Pakistan’s spy agency ISI chief Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha had admitted before the CIA that the terror strikes had ISI links but claimed it was not an “authorized” operation, but was carried out by “rogue” elements. Then he claims that the CIA later received reliable intelligence that the ISI was directly involved in the training of those who carried out the Mumbai attack. But what has surprised independent observers the most is the fact that whatever he has written in the book remained an exclusive possession of the author and no one ever, at any level, mentioned a word about this ‘confession’ of the ISI chief.
Nor did the US government ever question the Pakistan government regarding its intelligence agency’s involvement in the tragic Mumbai attacks. These observers are of the candid view that some of the material in the book is the outcome of the CIA-RAW nexus because the two have a common cause of undermining the Pakistani spy agency. It is with this background that both of them do not spare any opportunity to target the ISI.
The Americans are bitter against the ISI because their military commanders believe that the tough resistance being faced by their forces, including NATO and ISAF forces, in Afghanistan is due to the ISI influence over Taliban and the Mujahedeen groups that continue to control large parts of Afghanistan. Similarly, the Indian leadership and its spy masters have shifted the entire blame for the liberation struggle in Indian-occupied Kashmir to Pakistan and ISI. To cover up their day to day embarrassments, the Indian commanders accuse the ISI of everything happening in the Valley.
When The Daily Mail contacted a former chief of the ISI for his comment on Bob Woodward’s book, he said on condition of anonymity:
“This is not the first attempt on part of the CIA. In 1989, a conference of the American and European intelligence chiefs hosted by Pentagon and sponsored by the CIA had a single-item agenda, i.e. clip the wings of the ISI before it assumes the characteristics of German Gestapo.”
He said that the Pakistan government should initiate legal proceedings against the author of the book who is guilty of parading lies as facts in a bid to serve the interests of the CIA and the RAW. “Inaction or indifference on the part of Islamabad would lead people to start believing in what has been written in the book,” he warned.
This report was originally published by The Daily Mail of Pakistan under the title, CIA-RAW Nexus To Malign ISI. Reproduced here under special arrangement.
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